2022 HFNZ Scholarship

2022 HFNZ Scholarship

The winner of the 2021 Holstein Friesian NZ Scholarship, Sean Alexander, says HFNZ Young Breeder members interested in applying for the grant should “go for it”.

“You might as well chuck your hat in the ring,” he says.

“Winning the scholarship will certainly make things a little easier financially.”

Each year, Holstein Friesian NZ offers a scholarship(s) to Young Breeder members (16-35) to help with the expenses of tertiary education.

Established in 2012, the scholarship is open to any applicant at any stage of their study, as long as he or she meets the eligibility criteria and the study the successful scholar undertakes must be able to be related back to Holstein Friesian New Zealand and/or the dairy industry.

Sean owns Waikopani Friesians with his parents, Rachel and Greig Alexander. The family farm is based in the Mangakahia Valley in Northland.

Sean is studying a Bachelor of Commerce (Agriculture) at Lincoln University, aiming toward a career in consultancy or corporate agribusiness, with a view to return to the family farm in time.

“I’d love to experience the best of both worlds,” he says.

Sean has been involved with Holstein Friesian NZ his whole life and has been a keen competitor in the show ring since he was young.

“I’m really grateful and appreciative to Holstein Friesian NZ for granting me the scholarship,” he says.

Applications are now open for the 2022 HFNZ Scholarship. For more information or to apply, visit  https://nzholstein.org.nz/blackandwhiteyouth/hfnz-scholarship/.

Applications close November 11, 2022.

Sean Alexander
2021 HFNZ Scholarship winner Sean Alexander.

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