Herd Book Sections
Every year, Holstein Friesian New Zealand produces a Herd Book listing all animals that have been registered as pedigree during the last 12-month period (1 June to 31 May). The Herd Book is divided into two sections:
- The Main Section contains registered animals of full pedigree status. These animals have a registered Holstein Friesian content greater than 96% recorded on BreedIT. They have at least four registered generations behind them. PF denotes main section registered animals on a three generation pedigree report or your herd record provider reports.
- The Supplementary Register or “SR” section contains animals being graded up through the Supplementary Register from the grade (unregistered) Holstein Friesian population. All SR animals will have a status suffix ‘S0F’, ‘S1F’, ‘S2F’ or ‘S3F’ at end of their names. SF denotes supplementary section registered animals on a three generation pedigree report or your herd record provider reports.
SR Status Suffix | S0F (female only) | S1F | S2F | S3F | Pedigree |
Reg HF Content | 50% | 75% | 87.5% | 93.75% | >96% |
Min Breed Content | F8 | F12 | F14 | F15 | F16 |
Supplementary Section | Main Section |
Provided the animal put forward for registration meets the minimum Holstein Friesian New Zealand requirements, it can be registered S0F. Any subsequent generations will grade up through the Supplementary Register (provided sires are of a registration status to allow this). The fourth generation from the foundation S0F animal could be pedigree status in the Main Section of the Herd Book, if registered Holstein Friesian sires of greater breed content and registration status were used over each subsequent generation.
The resulting progeny of matings between various bull and cow combinations can be registered as in the table below.
Sire | ||||||
Status Breed |
Pedigree F16 |
S3F F15 |
S2F F14 |
S1F F14 |
Not Registered F14 |
Dam | Pedigree F16 |
Pedigree | Pedigree | S3F | S2F | S0F |
S3F F15 |
Pedigree | S3F | S2F | S1F | S0F | |
S2F F14 |
S3F | S3F | S2F | S1F | S0F | |
S1F F12 |
S2F | S2F | S2F | S1F | S0F | |
S0F F8 |
S1F | S1F | S1F | S1F | S0F | |
Not Registered | S0F | S0F | S0F | S0F | S0F |
Note: Bulls cannot be registered S0F and/or if F13 or less
Naming Your Animals
When naming your animals you must remember the following points (examples given use FRIESIAN as the Herd Prefix):
- Names cannot be duplicated
- All names must start with your Herd Prefix ie. FRIESIAN
- No more than 30 characters including spaces, e.g. FRIESIAN SUPERVISOR BRENADETTE
- When naming a Supplementary Register animal, the name must be no longer than 26 characters (including spaces) – the status suffix (S0F, S1F, S2F or S3F) will be automatically added when registered, e.g. FRIESIAN SNOWMAN CHARLOTTE S2F
- Embryo Transfer (ET) animals must have ‘-ET’ included in the name with no more than 30 characters, including spaces. The ‘-ET’ will be automatically added when the animal is registered, e.g. FRIESIAN CHECKBOOK PENELOPE-ET
- Cloned animals (this does not include progeny of cloned animals) must have ‘-ETN’ included in the name with no more than 30 characters. The breeder must include ‘-ETN’ in the name, e.g. FRIESIAN OFFICIAL CORDELIA-ETN
- Red & White Holstein Friesians must have ‘-RED’ included in the name with no more than 30 characters including spaces. The breeder must include ‘-RED’ in the name, e.g. FRIESIAN OFFICIAL CORDELIA-RED
- Off-colour animals (animals that do not have a white tip to the switch of their tail and white bands separating the hoof from the leg – refer to By-Law 1.6 for more information) must include ‘-OC’ in their name. The breeder must include ‘-OC’ in the name with no more than 30 characters including spaces, e.g. FRIESIAN CHECKBOOK PENELOPE-OC or FRIESIAN CHECKBOOK PENNY-OC S3F
- Default names will be automatically assigned to animals if they are not issued with a name on BreedIT, e.g. FRIESIAN 04-12 S1F
Holstein Friesian New Zealand offers a naming service and can name all your animals for you, refer to Service Fees. Alternately animals can be registered using the default name, which includes the Herd Prefix, year of birth and number (e.g. FRIESIAN 10-24-ET S3F). Default names can be changed within the year of registration for a fee.
How to Register
Members can submit a request to register animals in any of the following formats:
- What-If Report – these can be requested through Holstein Frieisan New Zealand. This report provides the highest eligible status of animals eligible for registration.
- A report from your herd record provider highlighting which animals you wish to register, i.e. Group Profile.
- A list of Birth IDs and names (if not already named on your herd record providers database).
Registration Standing Order
To further streamline the registration process we offer members a Standing Order registration service which will automatically register your heifer calves from the preceding season.
Members will be sent a “What If” report in December as a reminder to name their animals and indicate which animals they do not wish to register. At the end of February animals will be registered automatically by the office.
Standing orders do not automatically register your bull calves these need to be dealt with separately.
To find out more about our Standing Order system Contact Us or to set up your Standing Order today, simply fill out the Standing Order Form in the link below.
Record Recovery
The original cow accepted for entry into the Supplementary Register may undergo Record Recovery with her eventual registration status dependent on the number of Holstein Friesian back generations recorded on BreedIT. For example, if a cow has two recorded back generations of F16 dams mated to pedigree sires, then the cow can be registered as ‘NAME-RR S2F.’ If a cow has four recorded Holstein Friesian dams mated to pedigree Holstein Friesian sires then her Record Recovered registration status would be pedigree and she would be registered as ‘NAME-RR.’