This annual competition is aimed at attracting entries from members and non-members alike to promote the Holstein Friesian breed. Individual cows are judged on type at their home property in natural conditions without being fitted or halter led. Six in-milk age groups classes are open to all Holstein Friesian cattle.
Breeders enter their cattle for regional judging. The top two animals in each class in each region then move on to the national competition to compete for the Champion and Reserve Champion titles for each class. The top animals are judged again by a national judge with the results announced at the Holstein Friesian New Zealand Annual Conference.
See below for Convenor details for your area.
Convener: TBC
E-mail: TBC
Post entries to: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: Northland Branch, 02 0494 0082105 00, Ref: ‘Surname/Semex’
Convener: Duncan Pipe
Ph: 027 264 9527
Post entry to: 511 Pencarrow Road, RD 3, Hamilton 3283
Proposed judging dates: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: Waikato Branch, 06 0317 0041978 00, Ref: ‘Surname/Semex’
Convener: TBC
E-mail: TBC
Post entry to: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details:
Convener: TBC
E-mail: TBC
Post entry to: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: Taranaki Branch, 15-3951-0419505-00, Ref: Surname/Semex
Convener: TBC
E-mail: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Post entry to: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: E Kelsen, 01 0671 0046595 00, Ref: Surname/Semex
Convener: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: Marlborough Friesian Breeds Club, 11-7500-0010215-11, Ref: Surname/Semex
Convener: TBC
Email: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: Canterbury Branch, 03 1592 0082699 00, Ref: ‘Surname/Semex’
Convener: TBC
E-mail: TBC
Post entry to: TBC
Proposed judging date: TBC
Entry close off date: TBC
Judge: TBC
Entry fee: $10.00 per animal
Bank details: Southland Branch, 03-1750-0111513-00, Ref: ‘Surname/Semex’