A bull that has experienced a couple of false starts is by no means out of the game – in fact, he is being touted as “exactly what the Holstein Friesian breed needs.”
Meander TT Feature-ET S2F, bred by Robert and Annemarie Bruin of Meander Holsteins, is being marketed by LIC and is currently number 11 on the Holstein Friesian RAS list, BW 366.
The 2017-born bull has had an interesting life to date: he is out of an outstanding daughter of Greenwell FI Blade S3F who only managed one lactation, due to an injury.
His sire, Tregaron Technician S2F, was sired by Arkan VA Dynasty S2F and has an Udder Overall gBV of 0.58 and Udder Support of 0.53.
LIC’s livestock selection team considered Feature’s genomic evaluations and this, along with the strength and depth of his cow family, meant Feature was brought on-board.
Robert Bruin says it was unfortunate that Feature’s dam died when she was about to calve for the second time.
“She was just one of those cows that when she came in milk, we saw she had the ‘X factor’,” he says. “She had a beautiful udder and was one of our top producers.”
Robert says they performed TVR on her and have two bulls in the system, one of which is Feature.
Feature has produced a lower number of daughters through the Sire Proving Scheme than is the norm; he’s the only bull in recent history that has been ‘carried-over’ in SPS, and this was due to an injury which affected his ability to create semen.
But the power of genomics won out in the end. Feature has great udder conformation, with an udder overall gBV of 0.89 and udder support of 0.94. His gBW is 366.
His fat BV is 47kg (4.5%) and protein BV 52kg (3.9%). His 40 daughters in 14 herds are high-producers, with 1,257L milk BV.
LIC Livestock Selection Manager Simon Worth says Feature offers something a little different.
“Given his different sire pathway, outstanding production and ability to tie on quality udders, Feature is not only a great addition to the catalogue but will also be utilised as a sire of sons,” he says.
“He is certainly a credit to Meander, who have delivered yet more quality from another super cow family. He is exactly what the Holstein Friesian breed needs.”
Feature is available in the Potential Premier Sires Daughter Proven team, and also available in nominated and frozen sexed semen.
Meander Holsteins, a dairy farm and bull breeding property, is located near Otautau in Southland.
“With genomics we are able to predict the future potential of an animal,” Robert says. “The whole female line of this family are products of genomics.
“The line started with a good Oman daughter (Meander Oman Fran S0F GP82), who bred a beautiful cow by Edwards Ig Olympian S3F, Meander Olymp Frances S1F GP83. Her daughter, by Greenwell FI Blade S3F, is Feature’s dam – Meander Blade Frances-ET S2F GP84.”
Robert says he has five Feature daughters in the herd, one of which is a top producer and under contract to LIC. Feature has bred a whole new family of cows, which Robert hopes will see success going forward.
“Feature is a great outcross option,” he says. “His sire, Technician, has not been used much in New Zealand, so Feature is a good bull to use in terms of avoiding inbreeding.”
AE figures are quoted from 20/08/22 AE run.
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