Holstein Friesian New Zealand is offering a trip for one Black & White Youth member, between the ages of 14-17, to attend the North Island Championships at the Taranaki A&P Show, Stratford (November 24-26, 2023).

Applications close 1 September 2023.

Entry Conditions

  1. Holstein Friesian New Zealand is looking for applicants with a Holstein Friesian background, who are current members of Black & White Youth.
  2. Applicants must be between 14-17 years’ old.
  3. Applicants are to provide a one-page essay, describing their involvement with the Holstein Friesian breed and why they believe they would benefit from being selected for this trip.


Trip Conditions

  1. The arrangements for the trip will be made by Holstein Friesian New Zealand.
  2. Holstein Friesian New Zealand will provide the recipient with return travel. The recipient will be billeted with a HFNZ member in the local area.
  3. The recipient is to be a true ambassador of the Holstein Friesian breed at all times.
  4. The recipient is expected to participate in all chores, be well mannered and courteous at all times.
  5. The recipient will be required to write an article for the nzholstein magazine on their experience, by no later than one month after the conclusion of their trip.
  6. The recipient must agree to abide by the Holstein Friesian New Zealand Black & White Youth Code of Conduct on being awarded the trip.

Black & White Youth Show Trip Application Form

Fields marked with an * are required. Please fill out a separate entry form for each entry.

Please attach a copy of your essay below or email directly to reception@nzhfa.org.nz