A new outcross bull with strong udder scores is creating a buzz among Holstein Friesian breeders.
116561 Woodcote H McLaren-ET S3F is an A2A2 bull.
“He’s in the top 10 per cent of Holstein Friesians for protein,” said Jenna O’Sullivan from CRV Ambreed.
“Coupled with his excellent udders and valuable Mint-free pedigree, we expect he will be very popular in his first season as a proven bull.”
McLaren has a BW 114, which puts him in the top 20%, and he has a NZMI of 247 (top 10%).
The 2015-born bull features prominently in the genetics company’s Holstein Friesian line-up for 2020.
“McLaren’s biggest appeal is that he’s an outcross bull, by Mourne Grove Hothouse S2F,” said Jenna.
“His pedigree does not include Mint-Edition, who has more than 87,000 daughters in kiwi herds and several sons in bull teams.”
“McLaren is from a well-proven cow family bred by Waikato dairy farmers Angela Fullerton and Glenn Clarke from Woodcote Holsteins,” said Jenna.
His grand dam, Woodcote Maelstrom Mel VG85, was born in 2010 and has never missed a lactation.
She produced 771 kilograms of milksolids (kgMS) in 2017 and 736 kgMS in 2018.
McLaren entered CRV Ambreed’s progeny testing team in 2016.
He has 92 daughters spread across 30 herds. Those heifers are coming to end of their first lactation.
McLaren is transmitting moderate-sized Holstein Friesians and has a milk BV of 1104 litres, protein 3.8% and fat 4.2%.
His daughters’ scores for traits other than production show they have strong udders and wide rumps.
“McLaren’s major strength is the udders he’s producing. He has a Breeding Value score of 0.69 for udder overall and teat placement is ideal,” said Jenna.
“The closeness of rear teats is becoming a concern in the industry and he’s a bull that can help correct this trait.”
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