2023 EYBS Team

Continued success for the European Young Breeders School team members

European Young Breeders School team members are continuing to shine as some of the New Zealand Dairy Industry’s brightest young leaders.

Back on home soil, Annie Gill, Brad Seager, and Holly Powell have been named as finalists for the 2024 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards in their respective categories and regions.

Annie, Brad, and Holly, alongside Zoe Botha and Kate Cummings proudly represented New Zealand at the 2023 European Young Breeders School, held in Battice, Belgium from 30th August – 3rd September 2023.

The European Breeder school is the international reference point for training and show preparation. Last year hosted 152 passionate young breeders from 16 countries, and this was the first time New Zealand sent a team. The team proved to be competitive on the world stage and certainly did New Zealand proud.

By attending this trip, these young breeders have gained an in depth international agricultural perspective which has only further cemented the passion that these young breeders have.  

Since returning, the team has continued focusing on their emerging careers. For Annie, Brad, and Holly, this has led them to entering the 2024 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards.

They completed regional judging to be selected as finalists and have recently finished the final rounds of judging. The criterion for each of the categories differ based on stage of career.

Holly was one of the Manawatu Dairy Trainee finalists, a Dairy Trainee is an up-and-comer aged between 18-30 years old and is employed on a dairy farm in a full-time position.

Holly is an active member of the Manawatu Holstein Friesian Branch; she is also a member of Jersey NZ and Ayrshire NZ.

She recently won the Runner-up up Dairy Trainee Manawatu New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards held on the 29th of February 2024.

It comes as no surprise, because of Holly’s passion for encouraging other people interested in the dairy cattle breeding and showing sectors that she was also awarded the Communication and Industry Award.

Annie Gill is one of the Waikato Dairy Manager finalists, a Dairy Manager is someone who has exceeded three years employment in a full-time position on a dairy farm, usually in a managing position.

Annie works as the Farm Manager on Carse-O-Fern Holsteins in Otorohanga, she is extremely focused on her career and personal goals.

Previously she won Waikato Dairy Trainee runner up in 2022, and this is her first year competing in the Dairy Manager category.

Brad Seager is a Dairy Trainee finalist for Waikato, and he is currently working as a senior farm assistant milking 800 cows at Te Mawhi.

Brad’s personal and career goals are to continue breeding high quality cattle and remain in the dairy industry, pushing through the ranks in his faming career.

Annie and Brad eagerly await to attend the Waikato awards dinner on Wednesday, 13 March 2024.

Holly Powell 2024
Holly Powell
Annie Gill 2024
Annie GIll
Brad Seager 2024
Brad Seager

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