Calling all junior judging stars

Calling all junior judging stars

Waikato’s Dean Fullerton is still chuffed about his success at the 2022 New Zealand Dairy Event earlier this year, taking out the Holstein Friesian NZ Junior Judging Competition, the Pitcairn’s Trophy, before going on to win the 2022 World Wide Sires All Breeds Junior Judging Competition, representing Holstein Friesian NZ.

“It was a little surprising, as I hadn’t done any judging for three years, but once I realised I had come close to what the overjudges had I was optimistic things were going to go well,” Dean says.

Dean, whose parents David and Pip Fullerton own Waipiri Stud, was presented with the Pitcairn’s Trophy and up to $750 worth of travel towards a nominated show or dairy industry-related event.

Dean, a Holstein Friesian NZ Associate Judge, says he is one judging school pass away from qualifying as a Senior Judge, but due to Judging Schools clashing with sporting commitments in the summer he has been unable to take the next step.

“But I’d really like to go on and achieve the status of Senior Judge, should the opportunity arise,” he says.

Dean says he has been working with cattle for as long as he can remember, competing in Calf Club as a child and starting to show cattle in more professional competitions when he was 8 or 9 years old. Judging followed naturally.

“Dad judged cattle for a long time and he enjoyed it very much, but the farm was always his first priority,” he says. “I’ve sort of taken that position as well; I really enjoy judging, but it’s working hands-on with cattle on farm that is my real passion.”

The 2022 competition was the third time Dean has entered the Pitcairn’s Trophy, having come second and third in previous years.

Applications for the 2023 Pitcairn’s Trophy are open now.

The Pitcairn’s Trophy, donated by E & M Adams, is open to HFNZ members between 16 and 30 years of age as at October 1 prior to the competition.

The junior judging competition is competed for at a show allocated by the Board, with the winner awarded the Pitcairn’s Trophy and receiving up to $750 worth of travel towards a nominated show or dairy industry-related event.

The winner and runner-up of the Pitcairn’s Trophy will go forward to represent HFNZ in the WWS All Breeds Junior Judging competition.

Applications close January 20, 2023. Click here for more information.

Dean Fullerton 2022 Pitcairns Trophy winner
2022 Pitcairns Trophy Winner Dean Fullerton

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