Coastal-View Mookie-ET has a growing reputation as a high fat component, overseas-born Holstein Friesian sire.
The A2/A2 bull is marketed in New Zealand by World Wide Sires.
The seven-year-old topped the Australian Breeding Values (ABVs) charts for Holstein Friesians for the first time last April.
He has a fat breeding value (BV) of 4.8%, or 37.8 kg.
“Figures from DataGene show the average Mookie daughter produces more milksolids and makes more money,” said Craig Robertson from WWS.
Mookie topped DataGene’s December 2019 fat ranking for Australian-proven Holstein Friesian bulls. His nearest rival was 11 kilograms behind.
Mookie has 478 daughters in 56 Australian herds. In New Zealand, he has 487 daughters in 61 herds.
He was first released in Australia in 2014 as a young bull, based on his USA proof only.
“Mookie is being selected for his extreme component percentages against the US base, fertility in grazing markets and medium-sized cows he produces,” said Craig.
“He’s the ideal bull to consider if you’re looking to increase fat components in your Holstein Friesian herd.”
“In 2019, Mookie sold over 70,000 doses to predominately grazing markets around the world.”
Mookie has udder scores of 1.55 for udder support and 1.29 for udder overall, putting him in the top percentiles of the Holstein Friesian breed.
In the United States, Mookie’s one of the rare few bulls over 100lbs of fat.
He is sired by Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET and his dam is Genie-J Observer MegET.
Coastal-View Mookie-ET’s bull code is: 114748.
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