Membership Application

New Zealand Holstein Friesian Association Inc., trading as Holstein Friesian New Zealand (HFNZ).

Terms of Membership indicates an acceptance of the Rules & By-Laws of the Association and must read and agreed to upon application.

On approval by the Board or an executive of HFNZ, the said new member is entitled to the rights and privileges pertaining to each type of membership.

Stud Name Registration

  • Before registering any animals, it is necessary for members to choose a stud name (also known as ‘stud/herd prefix’) with which to prefix the names of your pedigree animals.
  • Choose a short stud name. The rules state that full animal names may be no more than 30 characters including the registration suffix requirements, so those breeders who have chosen long stud names strike quite a few problems. Imagine naming a red Holstein Friesian that was the result of an embryo transfer, is off colour and record recovered to a supplementary status – ˋSTUD NAME-ET-OC-RED-RR S3Fˊ. This leaves little space for the rest of the name.
  • There needs to be room for additional information such as the ˋS1Fˊ suffix (Supplementary Register Animals), ˋETˊ suffix (embryo transplants), ˋOCˊ (off-colour animals), and ˋREDˊ (Red animals).
  • The stud name, once approved, is reserved for the sole use of your membership and therefore cannot be duplicated for another member.
  • Please provide a possible three stud names in order of preference in case someone has already registered your first choice.
  • Stud name registration fee$11.50

    To be charged to your account.